EP-032 - In-home air purifiers and allergy symptoms: A randomized cross-over trial in older adults
P-010 -Normal variability of biomarkerssexamined in a “variability biobank”
E-Poster Details >Presenter / Authors
EP-032- In-home air purifiers and allergy symptoms: A randomized cross-over trial in older adults
Presenting Author: Doug Brugge
Authors: Doug Brugge , Teresa Vazquez Dodero, Amy Mertl, Hunter Gates, Warren Goldstein Gelb, Chermaine Morson, Sangita Kunwar, Wig Zamore, Misha Eliasziw
Topic: Respiratory and allergic outcomes
Doug Brugge

Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
EP-031 Author, EP-032 Author, EP-077 Author, EP-083 Author,
Teresa Vazquez Dodero

Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
EP-032 Author, EP-077 Author,
Amy Mertl

Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
EP-032 Author,
Hunter Gates

Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
EP-077 Author, EP-032 Author,
Warren Goldstein Gelb

The Welcome Project, Somerville, USA
EP-032 Author,
Chermaine Morson

Massmobile Phlebotomy Services, Boston, USA
EP-032 Author,
Sangita Kunwar

Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA
EP-032 Author,
Wig Zamore

Somerville Transportation Equity Partnership, Somerville, USA
EP-032 Author,
Misha Eliasziw

Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, USA
EP-077 Author, EP-032 Author,