EP-011 - Blood levels of metal exposure patterns and associated factors in a population living in an Industrial District in Brazil
P-010 -Normal variability of biomarkerssexamined in a “variability biobank”
E-Poster Details >Abstract
EP-011- Blood levels of metal exposure patterns and associated factors in a population living in an Industrial District in Brazil
Presenting Author: Maria Cristina Ferreira Lemos
Authors: Maria Cristina Ferreira Lemos, Rosalina Jorge Koifman, Fernando Barbosa Jr, Rafael Do Nascimento Pinheiro, Valéria Saraceni, Evanelza Quadros, Vanessa Cristina De Oliveira Souza, Rafaela Soares Senra Da Costa, Ilce Ferreira Da Silva
Topic: Chemical exposures

AIM:to estimate the level of metallic chemical elements in the population living in the Steel company vicinity in

Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and estimate the association between exposure to the Steel company and the

blood metals concentrations patterns.METHOD:A cross-sectional study was carried out on 463 individuals aged

18+ years old residing 1+ years in the Steel company vicinity. Mg, Be, Co, Ba, Ni, Cd, Al, and Pb were assessed in

blood by DRC-ICP-MS. Metallic chemical element concentration patterns were obtained by exploratory factor

analysis in the studied population. Exposure was set as the distance (Km) from each participant’s residence to the

Steel company in Santa Cruz, georeferenced by GPS. The outcome was set as the positive factor loadings in the

factor analysis, including Mg and Be (Factor-1), Co, Ba, and Ni (Factor-2), Cd, Al, and Pb (Factor-4). Crude and

adjusted OR, and their respective 95 %CI, were estimated to explore associations between independent variables

and the exposures to metallic elements positively associated with the factors using polychotomous logistic

regression.RESULTS:A reduction of 19 % was found between each km distance from the residence and the Steel

company and P50 concentration of Cd, Al, and Pb (ORP50=0.81; 95 %CI:0.67–0.97), after adjusting by age, sex,

and smoking. No statistically significant associations were observed for the distance from residences and the

Steel company, after adjusting for age, gender, having a domestic vegetable garden and chewing gum for Mg and

Be concentrations (Factor-1) (ORP50=0.84; 95 %CI:0.70–1.01; ORP75=1.10; 95 %CI:0.91–1.34); nor for Co, Ba

and Ni (Factor-2) blood concentrations(ORP50=1.10; 95 %CI:0.91–1.33; ORP75=1.03; 95 %CI:0.84–1.26), in the

adjusted analysis.CONCLUSIONS: For each Km distance from residences to the Steel company, a 19 % reduction

in the risk of Cd, Al, and Pb blood concentration was observed in the population living in Santa Cruz, Rio de

Janeiro, Brazil.